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Mobile: (+972)-52-8393462
Studio: Afula, Israel


Litvak Contemporary
Mobile: (+972)-3-6973897

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Facebook: amir.tomashov

Instagram: amirtomashov


Far from the architectural practice, from the will to become an architectplanner- builder, I seek the clinical-critical point of view on the urban anatomy of the metropolis in Israel and abroad. I still fantasize about utopian space and regard the existing space as something which should be treated with extra care, on order to guard and protect it, for fear it too might be swallowed-up by the trauma and paranoia into the architectural battlefield. My biggest fear today, as a non-practicing architect, is to be asked to design someones dream-home, which too will swallow space indiscriminately.


From my point of view, we are witnessing destruction, be it visible or hidden. The apocalypse is already here, occurring all around us, and all that is left for us is to clear our vision and see that which is hidden behind ideals

of political brutality, a heap of built utopias, and the vitality of abundance that bites into our moral perception. The experience I try to convey is of the esthetics of destruction, and my work often deals with ruins, which calls to mind natural disasters or man made wreckage. At the same time, my perspective is optimistic, as my attitude to the same apocalyptic post-traumatic landscape is one which offers a rehabilitation master-plan. We are in the age of healing.


The transformation of ideas to the media I use (sketch, draft, collage, relief, model, istallation, painting and mixed media) offers a symbolic and instant comparison between the process of building and destruction, between mechanisms of accumulation and annihilation. The transformation into these media creates a perception of architecture in which structures are created and destroyed by thought, an allegory to Late Modernism. My work is inspired by rambling, literature, cinema, television-newspapersmedia, new media, historic and current events, leisure culture and from my students.


Born in Afula, Israel in 1978, Tomashov lives and works in his home town Afula. He received his B.Arch. with distinct honors from the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion Institute of Technology. Tomashov was part of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design faculty, and currently instructs and lectures at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion.


Tomashov injects his critical architectural and environmental background to his works in various media (sketch, draft, collage, relief, model, installation, painting and mixed media) and offers a symbolic and instant comparison between the process of building and destruction. He creates mesmerizing images portraying the ‘esthetics of destruction’, evoking thought and criticism of existence, esthetics and annihilation. Tomashov’s working thesis is the contrast between sight and experience, the Pandora Effect, which is heightened in post disaster or conflict zones. Tomashov’s imagery is drawn from these scenes, as are reflected in the media, literature and popular culture.


Tomashov has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions and art fairs in Israel and abroad.

His works are part of private and public collections, museums and galleries worldwide. 

Tomashov has been the recipient of various prizes and awards ; Arieh and Eldar Sharon Award, “Seeds of Israeli Architecture”, David Azrieli Award; Reiskin Award for academic achievements and architectural design, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion - ITT.


Artistic – Exhibitions and Events:


"If a Tree Falls in a Forest" (Solo Exhibition); Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Petach Tikva

"Commandments and Conditions”; The Kupferman Collection, Kibbutz Lohamei Hagetaot

“Two Imaginary Dots And A View”; The Stairs Quarter, Haifa 

"The Day After”; Azrieli Gallery, HAC, Jerusalem


“Egoland”; Gallery 51, Modiin
“Anti Anxiety” (dual exhibition); Artura, Ruppin Academic Center

“Prologue-Epiloge / Stories of Construction And Destruction”; Ramot Menashe Gallery

“Versus” (trio exhibition); Braverman art space, Tel Aviv

“Fundamental Unit” (dual exhibition); Online Exclusive Show, Litvak Contemporary Gallery, Tel Aviv


“One Minute Eight Seconds” (Solo Exhibition); Maya Gallery, Tel Aviv
“The Rashumon of Wild Animals”; Pyramida Center for Culture, Haifa

“Tyo At Art”; Tyo, Tel Aviv


“The 7th Drawing Biennale”; Jerusalem Printhouse
“Construction Site”; Beit-Hankin Gallery, Kefar Yehoshua
“Constructive Look”; Oranim Academy Gallery
“Fragments” (dual exhibition); Shelluche Gallery, Tel Aviv
“Demolition Party”; Haifa City Museum


“1948”; Haifa City Museum
“Great Valley”; Beit-Hankin Gallery, Kefar Yehoshua
“Contour”; Beita Gallery, Jerusalem
“Breathing”; The Port Gallery, Haifa

"Between Structure and Culture”; Photo IS:Real, International Photography Festival, Tel Aviv 


“The great Drangement” (trio exhibition); Litvak Contemporary Gallery, Tel Aviv
“Shelter”; Kandinof Gallery, Tel Aviv
“Toi Toi Toi”; Zuzu Gallery, Emeq Hefer
“Homecoming”; Western Galil Academy Gallery
“Urbanism” (dual exhibition); Art Basel Artfair
“The Prime Minister’s House”; The Red House Gallery, Tel Aviv


“Horrible Beauty”; Tivon Gallery, Keryat Tivon
“Urbanism” (dual exhibition); Litvak Contemporary Gallery, Tel Aviv
“I Will Make the Land a Desolate Waste” (dual exhibition); Alfred Gallery, Tel Aviv
“Tower of Babel”; Schema Projects Gallery, New York
“Soon There Will Be Train”; Afula Gallery


"Modus Operandi" (solo exhibition); Meshuna Gallery, Tel Aviv
"Horror Vaccui"; Binyamin Gallery, Tel Aviv
"Baggage"; Neurotitan Gallery, Berlin

“Family Fresh Paint 1” (Greenhouse Artist), Tel Aviv

“Collections”; Nir David Museum, Kibbutz Nir David


"Abyssus Abyssum Invocat" (Solo Exhibition); The Constant Sculpture Gallery, Ramat-Gan Museum, Ramat Gan

"Anti Abundance"; Bar David Museum, Bar'am
"Four Rooms"; Ha'Hava Gallery, Holon
"Trapped?"; Kibbutz Galuyut 45, Tel Aviv
"Fresh Paint 7 2014" Greenhouse artist, Tel Aviv
"The Benevolent Tree"; Umm el-Fahem Art Gallery, Umm el-Fahem

“Peaking Cells”; Tel Aviv Artist’s House, Tel Aviv

“Secret Art 7”; Manny Building, Tel Aviv


“Upside Town” (Solo Exhibition); Contemporary Gallery Space at the Turkish Market, Haifa

International Conference and Exhibition ON ARCHITECTURE; STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, Belgrade
“Living As Form”; ArtPort Gallery, Tel Aviv
"Tzeva Glili 1 2013" Greenhouse artist
"Base Colors 2"; Multi-Artist event at the abandoned Shaar Ha'egel military base


"Exposed Landscape" (dual exhibition); The Jerusalem Artists House, Jerusalem
"Fresh Paint 5 2012" Greenhouse artist
"Project of the Year 2011"; Arieh & Eldar Sharon award for creative students; ZeZeZe gallery, Tel-Aviv.
"Side Effects II"; Kayma Gallery, Jaffa.

“Once I Was A House”; Caesarea

“Winter Salon”; Jaffa Salon of Art, Jaffa

“Secret Art 6”; Manny Building, Tel Aviv


“Horseman of Apocalypse" (Solo Exhibition) Kayma Gallery, Jaffa

"Concealed City – Revealed City"; (dual exhibition); Grand Art Gallery, Haifa, Israel
"Vacuum"; Raw Art Gallery, Tel-Aviv.
“Annual Report 3”; Kayma Gallery, Jaffa.

“Artist Invites Artist”; Pyramida Gallery, Haifa


“Plovdiv-Haifa”; Pyramida Gallery, Haifa
"Contemporary Israeli Sketchers”; Bulgaria
Bat-Yam International Biennale; Bat-Yam
“Wadi Salib – Layers”; Pyramida Gallery, Haifa
“Pecha-Kucha 10” Festival, “Dolly City” Project; with Arch. Sagi Rechter, Tel Aviv
“Essential Passage”, (dual exhibition), Ha’Maavar Gallery, Haifa
“Dreaming Reality”; Pyramida gallery, Haifa

“Dreams”; Capzoola Urban Art Gallery, Tel Aviv


“Farbe, Flache und Raum”; The Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany

Projects Mentioned in Press and Official Catalogues:


“Design Process in Architecture (book article); Thames & Hudon pb


“Modus Operandi” solo exhibition (article); Haaretz, Oct 7 '15
"Spirit of Israel" group exhibition catalogue


"Anti Abundance" group exhibition catalogue
"Fresh Paint 7 2014" exhibition catalogue


International Conference and Exhibition ON ARCHITECTURE; STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, Belgrade


"Fresh Paint 5 2012" (article); Xnet, May 16 '12
"Fresh Paint 5 2012" exhibition catalogue
"Secret Art" group exhibition catalogue
“Dolly City” graduation project (article); Mivnim no.293
"Israel Pavilion at Expo Korea, Yeosoo 2012"; Domus Isarel no.12


“Dolly City” graduation project - Arieh and Eldar Sharon Award for Creative Students; Architecture of Israel no.87.
“Dolly City” graduation project; A5 catalogue, PEKA gallery, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology


“Dolly City” graduation project; "Seeds of Israeli Architecture" catalogue, United Architects Association of Israel
Bulgerian Israeli Contemporary Sketch Exhibition catalogue
“Wadi Salib – Layers” group exhibition catalogue
Bat-Yam International Biennale catalogue
“Dolly City” graduation project; Domus Isarel no.8
“Dolly City” graduation project; The Israeli Institute of Hebrew Literature Translation (digital magazine)

Honors and Awards:


Petach Tikva Museum for Modern Art award; (greenhouse artist)


Arieh and Eldar Sharon Award for Creative Students


First prize, "Seeds of Israeli Architecture", David Azrieli Award

Award for excellence in academic achievements, undergraduate studies, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Reiskin Award for academic achievements and architectural design, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology


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